Health & Safety at Arkas is accredited through SAFEcontractor, CHAS & Constructionline and DHF approved, we consider Health & Safety to be of prime importance. We always work in compliance with current relevant legislation in order to ensure the welfare of our employees, our clients, and others who may be affected by our work in any way.

  • Powered doors must be professionally maintained, always in efficient working order or well repaired (Regulation 5 of The Workplace Health, Safety & Welfare Regulations, 1992), (Regulation 5 of the Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations, [PUWER], 1998).
  • All industrial and commercial doors must follow a programme of maintenance for both insurance, and Health & Safety reasons (The Workplace Health, Safety & Welfare Regulations, 1992), (Building & Maintenance Publication, March 2006).
  • A log book recording all details of maintenance and repairs of all power operated doors must be kept up-to-date and accurate (BS EN 12635:2002 – Industrial, Commercial and Garage Doors and Gates – Installation and Use).
  • Property owners are responsible for ensuring that regular maintenance of fire resisting doors is put in place (Workplace Fire Precautions Regulations, 1997).
  • New build and replacement emergency exit devices are now required to comply with European safety standards EN 1125 and EN 179, replacing withdrawn BS 5725:1981.
  • Sufficient risk assessments regarding installation of electrically powered gates must always be undertaken to identify potential hazards and associated risks to persons using the gates (BS EN 7036, Code of Practice for Safety at Powered Doors for Pedestrian Use, 1996)
  • Door closers and door widths must always be designed in a manner which makes them accessible to the disabled (Part III of Disability Discrimination Act, 1995), (BS 8300:2001).

All kinds of physical security devices are covered by various Health & Safety legislation, ultimately ensuring the safe passage of vehicles and people. Non-compliance with Health & Safety legislation can lead to large fines, enforcement notices, imprisonment, and injury, all factors which would severely damage the reputation of your business. Arkas Ltd can help your business to ensure that it is fully compliant with all relevant legal requirements.  If you wish to discuss your maintenance requirements, or would like us to provide you with an estimation for modernisation works on your industrial or commercial doors and barriers.